
Double sliding doors in the living room. Inspiration and practical ideas

Double sliding doors in the living room are a simple way to create a charming, atmospheric interior. And it doesn't matter if you want to create a perfect boho enclave or a minimalist interior with an industrial touch - the advantages of double-leaf doors will be appreciated by everyone. In this article, we will tell you how to cleverly and creatively use their specificity to create a unique interior, and we will show you interesting inspirations for arranging a living room with double sliding doors.


Double sliding doors in the living room - how to use their potential? Creative arrangements

Each house is different and has its own individual characteristics. In individual interiors, double-leaf doors will perform different functions and have various unique advantages - and you know what? This is their strength!

Double sliding doors in the living room are truly unique compared to what is currently the most popular on the market. They have great design potential: they emphasize the style in which the living room was arranged, and they have many practical functions. Check out the arrangements below to see for yourself.

1. Between the living room and the kitchen or dining room

In the case of separating the living room and kitchen (or dining room) with the help of double sliding doors, the undeniable advantage of this solution will be great flexibility in shaping the interior. You can easily adapt them to the current needs of the household members, as well as to your daily rhythm. It will no longer be a challenge to close the kitchen when you want to spend time there sipping a glass of wine in the evening, or open it when you are planning a meeting with friends and want to keep an eye contact with them while preparing dinner.

Double sliding doors in the living room create a uniform, coherent, friendly, open house. The living area is not permanently separated, but it is also possible to close individual rooms when necessary. In small interiors, they also have the function of saving horizontal space, while in a large apartment or house they will allow the living room to resound stylistically and use the maximum of its design potential.

See the most interesting inspirations of the living room-kitchen layout with wide, double sliding doors playing the main role.

2. Home office

The space between the living room and the kitchen or dining room is one of the most interesting, but also more obvious, arrangements. How about a home office hidden behind double doors in the living room? During the day, your private space for focus and concentration, and in the evenings, a private gaming room or a separate space that will allow you to leave your work behind the doors.

Double sliding doors in the living room allow you to shape and close off your home office. On the one hand, it is a purely symbolic division, on the other hand, it is clear information for all household members (but also for you) that it is time for work, not for preparing laundry, or even for coffee on the terrace (unfortunately!).

See how you can arrange your home office in an interesting and incredibly simple way.


3. Passage to the bedroom

We talked earlier about how double sliding doors can enchant a living room. You must remember that they are a fantastic option not only in large houses, but also in studio apartments. They add even more cosiness to warm interiors, and in minimalist apartments they are a characteristic element of a modern interior. In addition, they play a practical role. The use of double-leaf sliding doors really saves space, and at the same time inspires creative solutions that will allow you to cleverly separate the bedroom part of the apartment from the living area.

4. Hidden TV

Do you like simple interiors where cosiness reigns, but you can't imagine a Saturday evening without your favourite Netflix show? No problem. Double doors in the living room will be great for hiding the TV and creating a closed space for a home cinema while maintaining all the functionalities of the TV. Anyway, see for yourself.

Minimal, industrial or boho?

Double sliding doors in the living room can fulfil a lot of practical functions and at the same time delight with their original aesthetics. You probably know perfectly well that sliding doors are the element of the interior that can add a lot of charm to the whole arrangement.

Double-leaf sliding doors are perfect for purely minimalist interiors, where they will not only be a practical element of the decor, but also one of the key decorations. In more industrial spaces, it is especially worth using slightly heavier models of double-leaf sliding doors. In the living room, they will give the impression of a loft design. For a rustic or Scandinavian style, oiled wooden models will be perfect, which will allow you to bring out the magic of wood and unique grains.


Glass - a magical play of lights

It is worth mentioning glass, which can also be one of the materials used for double sliding doors in the living room. Depending on the glass used in the filling, the light effect can be very different. We are talking here not only about the charming play of lights, but also about the intensity of light. By choosing the right glass, you can create a bright and well-lit or dark and more atmospheric interior.

See also: Sliding glass doors - fall in love with a bright space

In which interiors will double sliding doors for the living room work? Large and small spaces

Double doors in small spaces

Although it might seem that double doors are better suited to larger interiors, in small spaces this solution is also perfectly fine! They will work best between the living room and the bedroom, due to their practical use. In addition, they will do exactly what sliding doors are supposed to do: add character!

Just choose a narrower door (e.g. 2 x 45 cm) and properly measure where and how it will be mounted, and the problem of a small interior may not disappear, but it will certainly cease to be so noticeable. All thanks to the fact that sliding doors are very functional. They not only reduce the use of the floor, but also with proper installation, there will be space behind them for skirting boards, contacts, and even posters or framed paintings, thanks to which the wall space will not be left unused. What's more, in some cases, they also allow more light to enter rooms that would normally be darkened.

See also how great a narrow double door in the living room can look - each leaf is only 45 cm wide, and it changes so much in such a small interior!

Did you know that in Reno you can order doors from 45 centimetres wide and much larger than standard ones? If you dream of a very wide door for a door opening of up to 230 centimetres, all you have to do is browse our offer or send a request for an individual project.

Larger interiors - greater freedom

The use of double doors in large houses is a solution for which this type of sliding door was created! There, the doors usually separate the kitchen or the dining room and the living room, giving the feeling of a joined interior. Even (or maybe especially!) in a minimalist space, they will be able to stand out with their originality. With the right design, the door can really be a key element of the interior finish.

A natural finish for natural interiors!

Finally, let us remind you that the double sliding doors available in the Reno offer are as natural and ecological product as possible. The doors are finished with organic, chemical-free oils, thanks to which we can ensure their safety for you and your environment.

Moreover, double sliding doors harmonize with many styles, so regardless of whether your living room is perfectly minimalist or naturally Scandinavian, you will find a model for yourself.

For those who have not yet been convinced by ecological and aesthetic matters, we add a final argument at the end. Double sliding doors to the living room are a great, truly universal solution to certain architectural issues. So if you are wondering:

  • how to separate a room without darkening the interior?
  • how to make the living area of the house coherent and open?
  • how to save space in small rooms?

then double sliding doors can be for you 🙂